Server requirements

Make sure all requirement meets before installation.
  • 01. PHP version

    • PHP version must be equal to 8.0 or 8.1.

    Due to composer dependencies, PHP version ">= 8.0" must require to run cron job on your root domain/server.
    PHP Configuration

    Open your php configuration file php.ini and change the following settings.

    • max_execution_time = 30000
    • max_input_time = 30000
    • memory_limit = 128M
    • post_max_size = 128MB
    • Upload_max_filesize = 128M

    If you are using Cpanel, login your Cpanel > search “MultiPHP INI Editor or Select PHP version/selector” and increase the above Options. Also,you can follow the Tutorials to change your PHP memory limit settings:

  • 02. Php Environment

    • Make sure to all extensions are available.

    Please check your php.ini/php extension configuration and make sure there are no function that are called by the queue driver, such as, proc_open, pcntl_alarm, pcntl_async_signals, pcntl_async_signals, pcntl_signal in the disable_functions.
    If there any you’ll need to remove/enable those functions. Or you can contact with your hosting service provider.
  • 03. Php option

    • Make sure below options are enabled.

  • 04. Mysql version

    • Minimum requirement for Mysql version is 5.6.

    • Application won't work properly without recommended mysql version.

  • 05. Folder Permission

    • Please check folder permission meets with requirement.

    • .env

    • config/gain.php

    • bootstrap/

    • bootstrap/cache/

    • storage/

    • storage/logs/

    • storage/framework/

    • Symlink permission must be enabled.

    • If symlink() is disabled then you will not be able to change any images on the application (Profile picture, icon etc..).

    • You might get response "symlink() has been disabled for security reasons". In this case please contact with your hosting provider to enable it.

    • Alternatively if service provider denied to enable symlink then you can use cron job from you cpanel.

    • Create a cron job using this command "ln -s target_link storage_link" (need to replace target_link and storage_link what you get from the response).
