Server requirements
Make sure all requirement meets before installation.
01. PHP version
PHP version must be equal to 8.0 or 8.1.
Due to composer dependencies, PHP version ">= 8.0" must require to run cron job on your root domain/server.PHP Configuration
Open your php configuration file php.ini and change the following settings.
- max_execution_time = 30000
- max_input_time = 30000
- memory_limit = 128M
- post_max_size = 128MB
- Upload_max_filesize = 128M
If you are using Cpanel, login your Cpanel > search “MultiPHP INI Editor or Select PHP version/selector” and increase the above Options. Also,you can follow the Tutorials to change your PHP memory limit settings:
02. Php Environment
Make sure to all extensions are available.
Please check your php.ini/php extension configuration and make sure there are no function that are called by the queue driver, such as, proc_open, pcntl_alarm, pcntl_async_signals, pcntl_async_signals, pcntl_signal in thedisable_functions
If there any you’ll need to remove/enable those functions. Or you can contact with your hosting service provider. -
03. Php option
Make sure below options are enabled.
04. Mysql version
Minimum requirement for Mysql version is 5.6.
Application won't work properly without recommended mysql version.
05. Folder Permission
Please check folder permission meets with requirement.
06. Symlink Permission
Symlink permission must be enabled.
If symlink() is disabled then you will not be able to change any images on the application (Profile picture, icon etc..).
You might get response "symlink() has been disabled for security reasons". In this case please contact with your hosting provider to enable it.
Alternatively if service provider denied to enable symlink then you can use cron job from you cpanel.
Create a cron job using this command "ln -s target_link storage_link" (need to replace target_link and storage_link what you get from the response).